Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Two years ago my wife and I went to South Africa on a vision trip. My wife had been exposed to the HHIA organization someway and we had attended a meeting at Mike and Michelle's house in Phoenix. I am not a particularly religious sort and while maybe not selfish, I definitely could do more help others. I was so impressed at that initial meeting with Mike and Michelle as individuals that I agreed to accompany my wife on a vision trip to South Africa. To say the trip was a life changing experience would not be accurate but I did get to see what two very capable individuals can accomplish if they really commit themselves. Mike and Michelle are the most impressive persons I have ever met in my 68 years of life. I think they do more in one day to help the children than most of the people I have met in my life do in a lifetime. First, they leave the impression that the reason they are here on earth is to help others less fortunate and then they have the abilities to make a difference. I am somewhat cynical when it comes to supporting "causes" but HHIA is one that I feel totally comfortable in supporting. No matter how you participate I know that your efforts will do some good for some folks that have not experienced much if any good in their life and daily face challenges that most of us could not handle in a year. Mike, Michelle and HHIA do make a difference.

Lee Stacy

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